Iranian Premier League Stats: 2024-2025 Season

Fail to score

  Team Fail to score Matches %
1 Malavan Anzali 0 3 .
2 Chadormalu YZD 0 3 .
3 Teraktor TBZ 0 3 .
4 Sepahan ESF 0 3 .
5 Perspolis TEH 0 3 .
6 Khaybar LOR 0 3 .
7 Zobahan ESF 1 3 33.3 %
8 Shams Azar QAZ 1 3 33.3 %
9 Aluminium Arak 1 3 33.3 %
10 Esteghlal TEH 1 3 33.3 %
11 Gol Gohar SJN 1 3 33.3 %
12 Esteghlal KHU 2 3 66.7 %
13 Foolad KHU 2 3 66.7 %
14 Nassaji MAZ 2 3 66.7 %
15 Mes Rafsanjan 2 3 66.7 %
16 Havadar TEH 3 3 100. %
Created on 8/30/2024

Matches by round
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 
League tables
Overall   Home   Away   Scorers   Offense   Defense   Scores 1st   Opp. scores 1st  
Match list
By round   By date   Latest  
Overview   Winning   Unbeaten   Clean sheet   Losing   No win   No score  
Records   Total goals   Scores   Times   For/Against   Clean sheets   No score   
Player stats
Appearances   Cards   All players   
Team pages
Aluminium Arak    Matches    Squad
Chadormalu YZD    Matches    Squad
Esteghlal KHU    Matches    Squad
Esteghlal TEH    Matches    Squad
Foolad KHU    Matches    Squad
Gol Gohar SJN    Matches    Squad
Havadar TEH    Matches    Squad
Khaybar LOR    Matches    Squad
Malavan Anzali    Matches    Squad
Mes Rafsanjan    Matches    Squad
Nassaji MAZ    Matches    Squad
Perspolis TEH    Matches    Squad
Sepahan ESF    Matches    Squad
Shams Azar QAZ    Matches    Squad
Teraktor TBZ    Matches    Squad
Zobahan ESF    Matches    Squad
